Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cops reject tattooed war hero

A GULF War hero was banned from joining the police because he has a Union Jack and the words “British Army” tattooed on his arm.

Proud Sgt Ivan Ivanovic was told the two-inch design could be seen as RACIST.

Ivan was stunned — as he has served Britain for 22 years, seeing action in the first Gulf War and playing peacekeeping roles in Iraq and Kosovo.



BFB said...

Glad you see the funny side...(I've got my dick in my right hand at least once a day...(-;)

I've got no prolem with Jesus but some Christians do get on my nerves at times, particularly the 'love thy neighbour' types, and I'm pissed at the Pope for apologizing to the Muzzie savages...GRRRRRR...

Welcome aboard.

Winston Smith said...

Whatever next? Will it be racist to be white, to be British? This land must be reclaimed.

Murray The Magic Cat said...

Please sign our Petition ARREST ADRIAN MUSGRAVE & PHILIP TURVEY Thanks! :)